Monday, December 27, 2010

My God, We've Used Up the Sun

that was it? i’m not disappointed, though. i had fun. not to mention the few incubuses who came to visit me in my sleep. naw, man, i’m not talkin’ bout metaphorical demons. i swear, i got visited by these, man. oh, before you overreact, don’t. at most, their horniness only matched mine. hahahah!
no really, seriously, though, what did i miss? i’m thinking, it was a good one, but it ended so soon. oh well, yeah, i did spend half of it bumming around. that is, away from people i didn’t know not until after i turned eighteen, or twenty-two . . . i don’t think that should matter. anyhow, i get to go to my most favorite place in the world. then i get to be in the greatest wave-to-boat ratio i have ever experienced (big waves, big boats, no problem; small waves, small boats, no problem; big waves, small boats, say your prayers, kid, and i did, i did). i almost OD’d, i think. heheheh. well, i could be exaggerating that part a little. of course, need i mention the little romance involved? oh, you wish! hahahah! not here. maybe never. i’m thinking i might just actually be prude. hahahah!
i now understand why depression is a better company for some artists. it’s hard to be happy in this world. people feel like there’s a scarcity of happiness and a surplus of misery. i wonder why that is. well yeah, i can pretend i’m devastated and all, but i just am not. should i cry because i lost someone i love? or should i be thankful that at least at some point in my life i got to have someone to love? there are two people we look for the most. the one who loves us for all we’re worth. and the one we love for all we’re worth. if those two happen to be the same person, wow. if not, we’ll some cultures have polygamy. so i haven’t found the first kind yet. but i did get to know the second. and so i’m half contented with my life. not bad, eh?ü i’m young. i got time.ü
i think people think i’m this big-on-love philosophy junkie. well, i am a junkie. pizza junkie. potato chips junkie. beer junkie? heheh. i don’t know. so a philosophy junkie, huh? that sounds like a postmodern hippie to me. so shoot, i’m in.
only man is not man-made. therefore, all man-made ideas can be man-destroyed. the other way around, can man re-create what he has annihilated?  well, we cannot create energy, that’s for sure. but neither can it be destroyed. i saw this in NGC, about garbage recycling, and they turn trash into plasma. cool, huh? solids are within a certain temperature range, higher than that are liquids, then gases. think water, for example. the higher the temperature, the state changes from ice to water to vapor. above the gas state is the plasma state. like the sun. humans are geniuses.ü
there are as much wonder outside the self as there are inside.ü not a bad nonmonotonous here-there-then-here-again, huh?
good dayü i’m going to busy myself with confusion further on.ü

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